Major Kratom

kratom advocacy

The State of New York is in the process of banning all natural kratom. Please help us stop them! 

With the recent victory in New Hampshire, we know what it takes to win! 

  • passionate individuals to testify at the committee hearings 
  • at least 100 phone calls to committee members
  • over 100 emails to committee members 

Please take a stand, and send a few emails or make a few calls. All of the information you need can be found here! 

The current status of states attempting to ban all natural kratom. 


All natural kratom in stock & shipping!

Written by Melissa Wright — March 21, 2016


Ben Wessling:

I fully support kratom! It saves lives!

March 21 2016 at 12:03 PM

Dan Lambert:

Dear sir opiate and heroin use is at an epidemic level
In Nys yet there is a Bil suggesting a Ban on all natural kratom
Kratom can be used to curb this epidemic
I have given people in full blown opiate wds all natural Kratom
To ease the effects of these wds and the people were amazed
At how it works.i am certain these people would have bought street pills or shot
heroin if I did not let them try it It is very effective as an alternative
To using opiates I say you contine the fight on the. Heroin epidemic
But leave Kratom alone and legal many former addicts have used Kratom
To push thru the opiate wds and it is very useful

March 21 2016 at 12:03 PM

Jim s:

Please keep Kratom legal. It helps ease the pain without having to resort to strong drugs.

March 29 2016 at 09:03 PM

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Legality Update

Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.

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