Holiday Weekend Kick-Off!
Hello Kratom Crew!
With the occasional firecracker going off and the smell of BBQ wafting through the streets, it's clear that Independence Day celebrations have officially begun! As the nation prepares itself for a glorious weekend of fireworks, parades and time spent with family and friends we here at Major Kratom are getting ready to do the same. However, before we take off for the weekend we wanted to remind you of a few fun facts!
Firstly, being that tomorrow is the 4th our Red, White and Blue 99.99 special will come to a close at midnight tomorrow! We only have a few left in stock so be sure to scoop yours up and take advantage of the $35.00 in savings before they disappear!
Secondly, as we all know any holiday is reason enough for the post office so while we will still be processing orders on Saturday morning, they won't be shipped out until Monday. Please note that the deadline for orders on Saturday morning is 10 AM EST. That being said, as part of our customer appreciation all orders will be upgraded to EXPRESS SHIPPING until the end of July!!
Lastly, have a killer holiday weekend! With sunny skies finally in the forecast, we here at The Major are eager to get out there and soak up some rays! We'll be showing our appreciation for this beautiful land we all get to call our own by hiking, biking and indulging in some of our favorite outdoor activities throughout the weekend. We are all aware of the natural wellness kratom provides and this holiday is a great time to take advantage of the wonderful, natural health benefits gained simply by getting out and spending some time in nature! No matter how you choose to celebrate The Major wishes you a HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!