Major Kratom

 So, the Major got the new site up and it is accepting and shipping orders like clockwork. We're actually pretty happy about it. The transition went without a hitch and we got some great feedback from a number of people - so we thank you for that too. 

And we came up with a nice banner about the new site - you might have seen it on our homepage.

Written by The Major — April 30, 2012

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Welcome To Major Kratom

World class Kratom, unique varietals, and same day shipping have earned us nominations for Best Kratom Vendor, facilitated and lobbied for kratom rights, and helped thousands find take control of their wellness. We understand your kratom needs and the sensitive nature of the product - and we are happy to hear your success stories.

Legality Update

Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.

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