Major Kratom

What is Kratom?With the pending posts about Kratom Legislation, we thought it appropriate to enable comments for our blog pages. Initially as we got started, we wanted things to stay a little quiet, but now with things in full swing, and our 2nd birthday coming up, we felt it was time!

Written by The Major — October 25, 2012


robert mansfield:

hey, major (is major a nickname or simply the company name?),

not sure this is the right place…but wanted to leave you a brief acknowledgement and offering of supreme gratitude for my last shipment. y’all’re a fine company that provides just what you promise — a fine, quality product at extremely competitive prices.

while i haven’t yet decided on which of your blends or strains i like best, your offerings already have changed my original sense of favorite. and for the most part, i’ve not found better prices…and what i did were ripoffs. you come through, delivering as stated.

but, we’re way off the track now. i am writing to let you know i have received my last order today, christmas eve! i think it was just friday i slipped my order in. i was exceedingly delighted to pick up the mail today.

i’ve a fairly large family and my daughters are mothers themselves now…so i ordered your sampler, the log, to add something entirely new and different and beneficial (other than the standard toothbrush and fruit, eh?) to my daughters’ stockings. i can’t wait to see them when they get open them in the morning — and, ‘course, each will have a different blend (can’t get any two of them quite the same thing…beyond my ken).

so…thank you so much! you have truly added to the joy of this holiday for me this year.

be well…enjoy the day…and have a wondrous and warm holiday season!

(forgive my wordiness…i may’ve sampled a bit of the sumatran white…which i got for myself, not sneaking into anyone else’s stocking now…heh)

December 24 2012 at 02:12 PM

Ed S from

I would like everyone know how much I think of Major Kratom and its owner. I discovered kratom a few years ago after suffering since childhood with a chronic illness. I have tried several web based companies over the past few years and finally found Major Kratom quite by accident. I came across a web page that mentioned the best kratom in the East. After noticing that most of the kratom dealers were either out on the West Coast or down South I decided to give them a try since I live in New England. Well I am very happy I did. The quality is excellent and the prices are reasonable. You can always count on Major Kratom for pure and fresh kratom. And if you are on a budget, try their “Stem and Vein” which are the stems and veins finely ground to a powder. I found it quite effective. The price is about $5.50 an once. You can’t beat that!

I have tried several different strains they have available and found them all very effective with some differences but all with the same quality and freshness. And the owner always seems to include a free tin of a different stain if you buy a certain quantity. I have found that very helpful for trying different stains. Also Major Kratom shipping is very fast. I am probably 300 miles from their location but I always seem to get it the next day. At the quantity I usually purchase it is always shipped USPS Priority.

When I have to call for an order or a question I have found that there is always someone to talk to during business hours. I have never had to leave a message. I know that may not always be possible but that has been my experience.

In closing if you are in the market for Kratom, why don’t buy the best and get it from Major Kratom. Let’s face it, what else would you expect from Vermont? The state has the best maple syrup, the best cottage cheese, the best cheddar cheese, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, the best teddy bears, and now they have the best Kratom; “Major Kratom”!…………………from Ed S from

November 01 2013 at 12:11 AM

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World class Kratom, unique varietals, and same day shipping have earned us nominations for Best Kratom Vendor, facilitated and lobbied for kratom rights, and helped thousands find take control of their wellness. We understand your kratom needs and the sensitive nature of the product - and we are happy to hear your success stories.

Legality Update

Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.

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