Major Kratom

support all natural kratom

The State of New Jersey is in the process of banning all natural kratom. Representative Ronald Dancer introduced Assembly Bill A3281 and act to criminalize the manufacture, sale, and possession of substances containing kratom.  

Assembly Bill A3281 will be reviewed by the Law and Public Safety Committee. The LPS Committee will hold a public hearing (Date tbd) to discuss the concerns of the public. 

We need to fill the committee room with individuals in opposition! The committee meeting is on the record.  You have the right to offer your testimony in opposition of the bill.  If you do not wish to speak, you may oppose the bill on the record with out testifying -- just make sure to sign the oppose/support sheet when you arrive. 

Voicing your Opposition Works!! 

The Major's advocacy team, along with members of the American Kratom Association, Botanical Legal Defense, as well as over 20 individuals testified in opposition of the proposed New Hampshire Bill prohibiting the possession and sale of kratom. We had great success!! Due to the overwhelming opposition of the proposed Bill, the Health and Services Committee amended the Bill to only prohibit the sale and possession of kratom to individuals under the age of 18. 

Please Voice your Opposition!

Calling and emailing members of the Law and Public Safety Committee will go along way.  Calling is very easy, and takes about two minutes.  The phone conversation will most likely go like this. "Hello my name is Nick, I'm calling to voice my opposition for Assembly Bill A3281, who should I speak with?"  The individual at the Representatives office will then tell you some thing along the lines of, "Okay, I will pass your message on to Representative Smith." Please be very pleasant and respectful! Below are the phone numbers of the Law and Public Safety Committee Members:

Sending an email to members of the Law and Public Safety Committee will greatly help the kratom cause!  The American Kratom Association has compiled a email template for you to use, check it out here! 

Please support all natural kratom by voicing your opposition to New Jersey Assembly Bill A3281. 


Please Note: Aspects of the above content were compiled from the American Kratom Association

Written by The Major — March 02, 2016

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Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.

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