A team of legal experts working with the American Kratom Association have identified two champions in Congress of the pro-Kratom cause--Congressman Pocan of WI and Salmon of AZ. By the end of the day they are set to present the director of OMB and the Acting Director of the DEA with a "Dear Colleague" letter asking the DEA to slow down the process of classifying Kratom as a schedule 1 substance.
These lawmakers are on our side! But they still need the support of responsible adult Kratom users like you to convince the DEA to halt this life-impacting decision. It's absolutely imperative that you contact your representative right now--tell them why Kratom works for you and ask them to sign on to the Pocan/Salmon Dear Colleague letter on this issue. It's so important, in fact, that if you can provide us with proof that you've contacted your local representative we'll give you a coupon code for your 20% off your next order.
Better yet, call your member of Congress using the US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 to personally explain how important this issue is to you.
-The Major Dear Representative,
Please help keep, Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) and/or its constituents Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy-mitragynine, legal in our state. I implore you to make an informed decision by educating yourself on the relative safety of this plant compared to coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs, and I urge you to research the medicinal potential that this plant has ALREADY displayed. Please re-consider placing this plant in the most severe scheduling category and consider reasonable legislation that would restrict its use to 18+ like other states are already considering. The following are pertinent facts for your consideration:
● Kratom is a plant, NOT a synthetic chemical or “Street Drug” ● Kratom is in the same family as the coffee tree (Rubiaceae) ● Kratom is no more habit forming than coffee see recent article by the cato institute, http://www.cato.org/blog/addiction-problem-case-kartom
● Kratom has been safely used for thousands of years as a medicine ● No one has ever died from taking Kratom alone. ● It is impossible to overdose on Kratom ● Tens of thousands of Americans can attest to the beneficial properties of Kratom ● The state of WI may reverse their ruling to ban kratom see https://www.botanicallegaldefense.org/wisconsin-kratom-community-looking-to-deschedule-kratom/
Furthermore, Kratom and its 30+ active alkaloids show tremendous dietary supplement potential. The legislation, as it currently reads, would place Kratom and its alkaloids in the most severe scheduling category, schedule I. Making this plant and its constituents schedule I, effectively makes it impossible for legitimate researchers to discover and develop valuable medicines from Kratom that could benefit the lives of millions! This is not a sensible approach to regulating this plant.
Current peer reviewed studies on Kratom and its constituents have shown that Kratom has no acute toxicity[1], displays powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties[2], assists with drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms[3], contains several oxindole alkaloids which have exhibited potent immunomodulation properties, and even contains constituents that have exhibited anti-cancer properties![4] A brief search in any scholarly database will present hundreds of peer reviewed studies and clinical trials that can attest to the medical potential of this plant.
A few more facts for you to consider when making your informed decision:
● According to the CDC, cigarette smoking causes 440,000 deaths in the United States every year; about one of every five deaths in this country are caused by cigarettes! ● Alcohol causes more than 1.2 million emergency room visits and 2.7 million physician office visits due to excessive drinking each year![5] ● Pharmaceutical drugs are one of the leading causes of death in this country, killing one American every 19 minutes! [6] ● Prescription opiate pain killers account for more than 475,000 emergency room visits annually.[7] ● Over the counter pain relievers such as Tylenol send over 56,000 people to the emergency room each year with liver related complications.[8] ● The Mayo Clinic has reported a 28% increase in overall mortality in people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day.[9]
In summary, the current proposed legislation places the medicinal herb Kratom and its constituents in the Schedule I category which is reserved for highly dangerous, addictive drugs that have NO medical value. The medical literature has proven Kratom and its constituents to be quite the contrary; a useful, safe, medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years without incident. Kratom does not present a significant threat to human health or safety, when compared to legal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, Rx medications, Tylenol, or even coffee! Scheduling this plant would prohibit any future research and criminalize tax paying, productive citizens in your state as drug users, who are simply benefiting from the use of this plant.
Thank you for your consideration,
[1] S.N. Harizala, b, c, , S.M. Mansorb, , J. Hasnanc, J.K.J. Tharakana and J. Abdullaha Department of Neurosciences, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia 2010 [2] Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Aqueous, Methanolic and Alkaloid Extracts from Mitragyna Speciosa (Rubiaceae Family) Leaves. Suhanya Parthasarathy,Juzaili Bin Azizi, Surash Ramanathan, , Sabariah Ismail, Sreenivasan Sasidharan, Mohd Ikram Mohd. Said and Sharif Mahsufi Mansor. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine, Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Selangor, Malaysia 2009 [3] Fitoterapia Volume 78, Issue 3, April 2007, Pages 182-185 [4] García Prado, E., et al. "Antiproliferative effects of mitraphylline, a pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid of Uncaria tomentosa on human glioma and neuroblastoma cell lines." Phytomedicine. 2007; 14(4): 280-4. [5] Bouchery EE, Harwood HJ, Sacks JJ, Simon CJ, Brewer RD. Economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in the United States, 2006. Am J Prev Med 2011;41:516–24. [6] Ibid. [7] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Drug Abuse Warning Network: selected tables of national estimates of drug-related emergency department visits. Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, SAMHSA; 2010. [8] Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 Jun;15(6):398-405. Estimates of acetaminophen (Paracetomal)-associated overdoses in the United States. Nourjah P, Ahmad SR, Karwoski C, Willy M. [9] Association of Coffee Consumption With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Junxiu Liu, MD Xuemei Sui, MD, PhD, Carl J. Lavie, MD, James R. Hebert, ScD, Conrad P. Earnest, PhD, Jiajia Zhang, PhD, Steven N. Blair, PED Published online 19 August 2013.
Enjoy eight all natural kratom samples! The Major's Testers' Club is perfect for beginners to kratom. With the eight different kratom samples in the Testers' Kit you are sure to find the aromas that works best for your!
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What is kratom?
Mitragyna Speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is an all-natural-botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the Rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, Kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet...(learn more)
Kratom needs your support now! States are in the process of banning all natural kratom, we need to stand together to stop them. The Major along with other organizations, and people are actively opposing state by state as legislature is introduced banning kratom. Take a stand for your right to reap the benefits of all natural kratom by supporting The America Kratom Association.
Here is a quick update on the status of each state;
Wisconsin - Today, The Wisconsin Controlled Substance Board held a meeting to discuss the classification of all natural kratom. Despite the great work of Susan Ash from the American Kratom Association (AKA), The Controlled Substance Board (CSB) determined the evidence required by statute to change the state's schedule 1 designation for kratom does not exist. In other words the CSB determined there is not enough evidence supporting kratom to remove it from the schedule 1 drug classification. The Major and The AKA have not given up the fight! We will continue to work to gather the required evidence, and keep the pressure on the CSB to reevaluate it classification of all natural kratom. How can I help?
New Jersey - The process of banning all natural kratom in underway. Representative Ronald Dancer introduced Assembly Bill A3281 and act to criminalize the manufacture, sale, and possession of substances containing kratom. Assembly Bill A3281 will be reviewed by the Law and Public Safety Committee. The LPS Committee will hold a public hearing (date tbd) to discuss the concerns of the public. We will keep you up to date with developments in New Jersey. Please take a few minutes to support all natural kratom, and email or call members of the Law and Public Safety Committee.
Alabama - Members of the State Legislature introduced House Bill 175 (HB175) sponsored by Representatives; Butler, Farley, Daniels, Treadaway, South, Rowe, Fridy, Weaver, Pettus, Whorton, Ledbetter, Rich, Johnson, Nordgren, and Brownand. Senate Bill 226 (SB226) was introduced, and sponsored by Senator Orr. These proposed bills would add Mitragynine, and Hydroxymitragynine commonly known as kratom to Schedule I of the controlled substances list. The American Kratom Association is actively opposing both bills. Please take a few minutes to show them your support.
Florida - Senate Bill 1182 was just amended to 18+. This bill makes it a misdemeanor to sell to anyone under the age of 18. Period. Nothing more. Kratom will NOT be banned inFlorida! Many thanks to Susan Ash of the American Kratom Association!
Georgia - The Health and Human Services Committee tabled a proposed bill to ban kratom. The Committee will review the bill in one year.
Kentucky - On February 17, the KY Senate quietly announced a Senate floor vote on SB 136 (with the amendment to ban kratom) the very next day. The bill has already passed out of the Health and Human Services committee. It will likely pass out of the Senate. However, there is still a chance to stop this bill. We need your help! Please take a few minutes to show your support for kratom in Kentucky.
New Hampshire - VICTORY!! A Health and Human Services Committee Hearing was held to discuss Senate Bill 540-FN 'an act prohibiting, the possession, use, or sale of kratom.' The Major Kratom Advocacy Team was at the hearing, and went on record opposing the bill. The room was filled to capacity, with a majority of those present opposing the bill. Representatives from The American Kratom Association, and Botanical Legal Defense testified in opposition, and brought much needed facts, and information to the table. The passion in the room was overwhelming, and convinced members of the committee to amend the bill to only ban the possession or sale of kratom to those under the age of 18. Many thanks to The American Kratom Association, and the Botanical Legal Defense!
New York - Members of the Assembly introduced Assembly Bill A8670 sponsored by Assembly Member Aileen Gunther, and it's Senate Companion Bill S6345 sponsored by Senator David Carlucci. Assembly Bill A9068 sponsored by Guillermo Linares, has also been introduced. As well as Assembly Bill A9121 regarding the prohibition of the sale of kratom to individuals under the age of twenty-one. A9121 is in the House Health Committee.
These bills must work their way through committees in both chambers (the House, called the "Assembly" in NY, and the Senate), on their way to becoming law. It is unclear how many total committees the bills must travel through, but right now the Assembly Bill is in the Economic Development Committee, and the Senate Bill is in the Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. If the bills make it out of all required committees, they are then voted on, on the "Floor" of both chambers (meaning a public roll-call vote). If they win a majority vote in each, they move on to be signed into law by the Governor, with an effective date of January 1, 2017. Together we can stop this from happening!
The Major's premium, all natural kratom comes heat sealed in a re-sealable, environmentally friendly rice paper pouch. Our air tight pouches keep your natural kratom fresh for an enjoyable experience!
Our premium kratom is packaged in a GMP compliant facility, using methods to ensure our kratom reaches you clean, and safe. Each pouch is heat sealed twice, ensuring for an air tight seal. The pouch has a ziplock seal, allowing opened pouches to be resealed for safe keeping.
The Major offer's same day shipping on all orders received before 3pm! Our all natural kratom in stock and shipping can be viewed here.
What is kratom?
Mitragyna Speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is an all-natural-botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the Rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, Kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet...(learn more)
The State of New Jersey is in the process of banning all natural kratom. Representative Ronald Dancer introduced Assembly Bill A3281 and act to criminalize the manufacture, sale, and possession of substances containing kratom.
Assembly Bill A3281 will be reviewed by the Law and Public Safety Committee. The LPS Committee will hold a public hearing (Date tbd) to discuss the concerns of the public.
We need to fill the committee room with individuals in opposition! The committee meeting is on the record. You have the right to offer your testimony in opposition of the bill. If you do not wish to speak, you may oppose the bill on the record with out testifying -- just make sure to sign the oppose/support sheet when you arrive.
Voicing your Opposition Works!!
The Major's advocacy team, along with members of the American Kratom Association, Botanical Legal Defense, as well as over 20 individuals testified in opposition of the proposed New Hampshire Bill prohibiting the possession and sale of kratom. We had great success!! Due to the overwhelming opposition of the proposed Bill, the Health and Services Committee amended the Bill to only prohibit the sale and possession of kratom to individuals under the age of 18.
Please Voice your Opposition!
Calling and emailing members of the Law and Public Safety Committee will go along way. Calling is very easy, and takes about two minutes. The phone conversation will most likely go like this. "Hello my name is Nick, I'm calling to voice my opposition for Assembly Bill A3281, who should I speak with?" The individual at the Representatives office will then tell you some thing along the lines of, "Okay, I will pass your message on to Representative Smith." Please be very pleasant and respectful! Below are the phone numbers of the Law and Public Safety Committee Members:
Sending an email to members of the Law and Public Safety Committee will greatly help the kratom cause! The American Kratom Association has compiled a email template for you to use, check it out here!
Please support all natural kratom by voicing your opposition to New Jersey Assembly Bill A3281.
Kratom grows naturally in Southeast Asia, in the Indochina and Malesia forest regions. Natural kratom trees grow wild in the Indonesian region of the island of Borneo which happens to be the world's third largest island! Borneo is an island blanketed with amazing forests, rivers, wildlife, as well as various indigenous tribes. One of the more remarkable traits of Borneo is that it is the home of over 11,000 plant species! This is largely due to the significant amount of rain that falls on Borneo each year, ranging anywhere from 150 to 200 inches yearly! To put that in perspective New York City's average rain fall is 46 inches yearly...(learn more)
Is your kratom all natural?
The Major's premium kratom is 100% all natural. Most of our premium kratom varietals grow wild in the kratom forests of Southeast Asia, and are harvested by hand. A few of our varietals are plantation grown in the Buntok region of Indonesia.
Where to buy all natural kratom?
With same day shipping on all orders before 3pm Eastern, The Major is the place to buy kratom online. All orders are shipped Priority Mail, guaranteed to arrives in three days or less. Most all natural kratom orders shipped to New England arrive the next day. Shipments to the rest of the East Coast arrive in a day or two. Orders to the Mid West and West Coast arrive in two or three days. We also offer Express Shipping on rush orders. The Major ships thousands of kratom orders a month across the U.S. and Canada. We offer the best customer experience in the industry, backed by premium, all natural kratom! Easily place your kratom order online, or give The Major a call at 802-988-0506!
Searching for a place to buy kratom in Massachusetts? Look no further, The Major has you covered! With same day shipping from our warehouse in southern New Hampshire, your all natural kratom order will arrive next day to most parts of the Bay State.
Why Major Kratom?
All natural wellness is essential to a happy and healthy life! Enjoy a customer experience second to none, with same day shipping on all orders received before 3pm. The Major believes in natural botanicals as alternatives for natural wellness, offering only premium, natural ground kratom leaf. We ship thousands of all natural kratom orders a month! The Major has the fastest shipping time to Massachusetts! If you buy kratom in Massachusetts, save time and money by ordering from The Major!
What is kratom?
Mitragyna Speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is an all-natural-botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the Rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, Kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet...(learn more)
The Major is the most convenient way to buy kratom in Massachusetts! Place your all natural kratom order by 3pm and it ships the same day (M-F). That means if you live in the Bay State, you will likely get your all natural kratom the very next day!
The Major is the only online vendor to buy kratom in Massachusetts from to receive next day delivery with standard shipping!
Enjoy The Major's selection of 8 premium all natural kratom aromas. Every year The Major selects his finest green, red, white, and maeng da kratom strains for his annual Winter Testers' Club. Enjoy 8 different aromas from energizing to relaxing. The ideal way to find the right aroma for an enjoyable all natural kratom experience!
The Winter Testers' Club is perfect way to experience the various aromas of The Major's all natural kratom offerings! You'll receive 8 different varietals, offering an assortment of aromas from energizing to relaxing.
Take part in the Winter Testers' Club experience by ordering your Testers' Kit now!
The past few months a few states began the process of banning all natural kratom. Fortunately The Major along with other organizations, and people are actively opposing state by state as legislature is introduced banning kratom.
Here is a quick update on the status of each state;
Alabama - Members of the State Legislature introduced House Bill 175 (HB175) sponsored by Representatives; Butler, Farley, Daniels, Treadaway, South, Rowe, Fridy, Weaver, Pettus, Whorton, Ledbetter, Rich, Johnson, Nordgren, and Brownand. Senate Bill 226 (SB226) was introduced, and sponsored by Senator Orr. These proposed bills would add Mitragynine, and Hydroxymitragynine commonly known as kratom to Schedule I of the controlled substances list. The American Kratom Association is actively opposing both bills. Please take a few minutes to show them your support.
Florida - Senate Bill 1182 was just amended to 18+. This bill makes it a misdemeanor to sell to anyone under the age of 18. Period. Nothing more. Kratom will NOT be banned inFlorida! Many thanks to Susan Ash of the American Kratom Association!
Georgia - The Health and Human Services Committee tabled a proposed bill to ban kratom. The Committee will review the bill in one year.
Kentucky - On February 17, the KY Senate quietly announced a Senate floor vote on SB 136 (with the amendment to ban kratom) the very next day. The bill has already passed out of the Health and Human Services committee. It will likely pass out of the Senate. However, there is still a chance to stop this bill. We need your help! Please take a few minutes to show your support for kratom in Kentucky.
New Hampshire - Last Tuesday a Health and Human Services Committee Hearing was held to discuss Senate Bill 540-FN 'an act prohibiting, the possession, use, or sale of kratom.' The Major Kratom Advocacy Team was at the hearing, and went on record opposing the bill. The room was filled to capacity, with a majority of those present opposing the bill. Representatives from The American Kratom Association, and Botanical Legal Defense testified in opposition, and brought much needed facts, and information to the table. The passion in the room was overwhelming, and the opposition certainly left committee members questioning if it was in the best interest of New Hampshire Citizens to ban all natural kratom.
New York - Members of the Assembly introduced Assembly Bill A8670 sponsored by Assembly Member Aileen Gunther, and it's Senate Companion Bill S6345 sponsored by Senator David Carlucci. Assembly Bill A9068 sponsored by Guillermo Linares, has also been introduced. As well as Assembly Bill A9121 regarding the prohibition of the sale of kratom to individuals under the age of twenty-one. A9121 is in the House Health Committee.
These bills must work their way through committees in both chambers (the House, called the "Assembly" in NY, and the Senate), on their way to becoming law. It is unclear how many total committees the bills must travel through, but right now the Assembly Bill is in the Economic Development Committee, and the Senate Bill is in the Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. If the bills make it out of all required committees, they are then voted on, on the "Floor" of both chambers (meaning a public roll-call vote). If they win a majority vote in each, they move on to be signed into law by the Governor, with an effective date of January 1, 2017. Together we can stop this from happening!
World class Kratom, unique varietals, and same day shipping have earned us nominations for Best Kratom Vendor, facilitated and lobbied for kratom rights, and helped thousands find take control of their wellness. We understand your kratom needs and the sensitive nature of the product - and we are happy to hear your success stories.
Legality Update
Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.