Paul Pelosi Jr. was recently appointed as the executive director of the American Kratom Association (AKA).
"Mr. Pelosi brings with him the rare combination of both professional skills and personal interests that mesh perfectly with the needs of our growing national organization. Combining experience in business, finance, and politics with his personal love for the environment and preference for natural supplements, he brings exactly the skills, experience, and savvy that will allow our young nonprofit to quickly reach our full potential. [American Kratom Association]"
The American Kratom Association is an independent organization dedicated to fighting for your RIGHT to enjoy the benefits of all natural kratom.
Support Consumers. We believe many political and private entities don't make the needs of the consumer and constituents a priority. Our goal is to change that.
Educate. Kratom has many beneficial purposes and is an all-natural alternative. Our goal is to educate all Americans—from potential consumers to regulators and everyone in between.
Amplify. We represent thousands of Americans that each have a story to tell. We believe the current environment in the United States often does not listen to individual voices and together we will make our voice heard.
Global Awareness. We hope to demonstrate responsible use and practical knowledge other countries may study when considering Kratom legislation.
Protect Natural Resources. Kratom is a precious natural resource. We support and advocate for sustainable harvesting techniques and reforestation efforts.
Please take a few minutes to show your support for all natural kratom by joining the American Kratom Association. It's free to join! Sign up through The Major, and we'll donate $10 on your behalf!
Searching for a place to buy kratom in Rhode Island? Look no further, The Major has you covered! With same day shipping from our warehouse in southern New Hampshire, your all natural kratom order will arrive next day to most parts of Rhode Island.
What is kratom?
Mitragyna Speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is an all-natural-botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the Rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, Kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet...(learn more)
The Major is the most convenient way to buy kratom in Rhode Island! Place your all natural kratom order by 3pm and it ships the same day (M-F). That means if you live in Rhode Island, you will likely get your all natural kratom the very next day!
The Major is the only online vendor to buy kratom in Rhode Island from to receive next day delivery with standard shipping!
I often get asked, 'what is the most potent type of kratom?' or 'what is the strongest kratom?' While the effectiveness of kratom varietals varies from person to person, maeng da varietals are widely accepted to be the most potent kratom varietals available.
Where to buy the best maeng da kratom?
Look no further, The Major has you covered! With four varietals to chose from, you will certainly find the right maeng da here.
By far the strongest maeng da kratom is The Major's Maeng Da. It's a super-kratom farmed near the Patani region, with an uplifting heady aroma. The Major's Maeng Da has more mitragynine and a slightly different alkaloid profile than most strains. If you are asking yourself, 'what is the best kratom', The Major's Maeng Da is what you are looking for!
Yesterday Bill and I were at the New Hampshire State House opposing Senate Bill 540, an act prohibiting the possession, use, or sale of kratom.
I can't convey the passion in the room.
From the mother-daughter duo with a brother suffering from heroin addiction, to the New Hampshire Representative fighting cancer and fighting for his right to all natural kratom, the passion in the room was overwhelming, and brought a few to tears.
The room was filled to capacity, with majority in opposition of the bill. Those supporting the bill, a representative of NH police, and member of NH health services, seemed to gather most of their information from news articles. Their dry, polished testimony was overshadowed by the 15+ people who passionately testified to the amazing benefits of all natural kratom.
The opposition was in full force! Bill went on record opposing the bill. Members of the American Kratom Association testified to the benefits of kratom. A representative of the Botanical Legal Defense testified, bringing much needed information, and facts to the table.
By the end of the hearing, the committee was well aware of the benefits of all natural kratom, and was no doubt left seriously pondering supporting the bill.
There is still much to be done! Please take a few minutes to support the American Kratom Association. The AKA is the organization actively fighting for your right to all natural kratom, and they need your support!
I will keep you all up to date on the NH Senate Bill, and the other state actions to ban all natural kratom.
Recently VICE published an article, "Why Banning the Controversial Painkiller Kratom Could Be Bad News for America's Heroin Addicts" by Maia Szalavitz depicting all natural kratom in a more positive light than previous articles. The article discusses the benefits all natural kratom offers to people suffering from addiction. Szalavitz writes how a "growing number of Americans are finding it [kratom] to be a useful alternative to heroin and prescription pain relievers". Based on my experience, and the experiences of the people we serve I know this to be the truth. With so many articles negatively depicting kratom, it's nice to read an article showing the positive side of all natural kratom.
Szalavitz interviewed Mark Swogger, an assistant professor at the University of Rochester Medical Center, who along with the help of his team reviewed 161 'experience reports'. Mr. Swogger states, "I think it's pretty safe to say that kratom has at least some addiction potential". However, he goes on to say, "'overall, we found that it's really mild compared to opioid addiction and it didn't seem to last as long'. The most commonly reported negative experience was nausea or stomach pain, which 16 percent of the users experienced". When considering the side effects of most pharmaceuticals, nausea and stomach pain are not major health concerns. Yet, state by state kratom is being banned with no regard for those who's lives and wellbeing have been greatly improved.
Susan Ash, from the American Kratom Association, was also interviewed by Szalavitz. Mrs. Ash is the leading force behind kratom advocacy, and has dedicated the past several years of her life to promoting the truth beneath the leaf.
Despite the all of the benefits of kratom the State of New York has introduced legislature to ban kratom.
We need to stand together to stop the State of New York! Please take a few minutes to voice your opinion to members of the New York state legislature. Even if you do not live in New York you can still help by sharing the truth about kratom with the New York state legislature. The American Kratom Association has made it easy to voice your opinion with templates, and information needed on their New York Action Alert page.
Dr. King Jr. once said, "our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter". Please take this opportunity to break your silence and speak up for all natural kratom! Help spread the truth about the amazing benefits of this all natural plant!
Enjoy the aromas of The Major's premium all natural kratom. Every year The Major selects his finest green, red, white, and maeng da kratom strains for his annual Winter Testers' Club. Enjoy 8 different aromas from energizing to relaxing. The ideal way to find the right aroma for an enjoyable all natural kratom experience!
The Winter Testers' Club is perfect way to experience the various aromas of The Major's all natural kratom offerings! You'll receive 8 different varietals, offering an assortment of aromas from energizing to relaxing.
Take part in the Winter Testers' Club experience by pre-ordering your Testers' Kit now!
Over the weekend, The New York Times published an article titled, Kratom an Addict's Alternative, Is Found to Be Addictive Itself. This article depicts all natural kratom as an addictive substance that can lead "addicts back to heroin, which is cheaper and stronger." Do you agree with this?
If this upsets you as much as it upsets me, please take the time to let your voice be heard. Email a letter to the New York Times editor, and share the positive side of all natural kratom.
For over five years I have listened to hundreds of people tell me how their lives have been forever changed for the better because of kratom. Many go as far as to say kratom has saved their life.
The team, and I have drafted a few templates for letters to the editor. It will only take five minutes to copy, past, add your thoughts and email to Mr. Dean Baquet, the NY Times editor.
Thank you for taking the time,
~The Major
Letter to The Editor Templates
Right now we have three letter to the editor templates; (1) from the perspective of a recovering/former addict, (2) from the perspective of an individual seeking an all natural alternative from prescription pain meds, and (3) from the perspective of a individual who wants the NY Times to get their facts straight!
Please take the time to copy, add your thoughts, and email to Mr. Dean Baquet
(1) Recovering/former Addict:
*Please make sure to fill in the 'blanks'!
Mr. Dean Baquet,
I am writing to express my sincere concern regarding your recent article, Kratom, an Addict’s Alternative, Is Found to Be Addictive Itself, by Alan Schwarz published January 2, 2016.
I am a recovering addict. For [x number of years/months ] I was using [drug of choice]. [drug of choice] took away my life, and brought me to a dark place. I tried treatment [number] times, and still found myself turning back to my old habits. I thought I was a lost cause, until I found all natural kratom.
Kratom has given me hope, and has greatly improved my wellbeing, and quality of life. I have been drug free for [number] of [years/months]. I am happy, and healthy because of all natural kratom!
Next time you write about kratom, please consider the amazing benefits all natural kratom has provided individuals like myself. Please do not impede the great work kratom is doing for those struggling with addiction.
Thank you for your time,
[Phone number]
(2) All Natural Alternative
*Please make sure to fill in the 'blanks'!
Mr. Dean Baquet,
I am writing to express my sincere concern regarding your recent article, Kratom, an Addict’s Alternative, Is Found to Be Addictive Itself, by Alan Schwarz published January 2, 2016.
I suffer from chronic pain. For [x number of years/months ] I was using [prescription pain medicine]. It did not take long for me to realize [prescription pain medicine] was taking away my life. [prescription pain medicine] had taken control, and I was dependent on it to get through my day. I hated how it made me feel. Finally, I took my health into my own hands, and began researching all natural alternatives. I soon found kratom.
Kratom has greatly improved my wellbeing, and quality of life. I have been drug free for [number] of [years/months]. I am happy, and healthy because of all natural kratom!
Next time you write about kratom, please consider the amazing benefits all natural kratom has provided individuals like myself.
Thank you for your time,
[Phone number]
(3) Getting Your Facts Straight
Mr. Dean Baquet,
I am writing to express my sincere concern regarding your recent article, Kratom, an Addict’s Alternative, Is Found to Be Addictive Itself, by Alan Schwarz published January 2, 2016.
I feel you have grossly mischaracterized all natural kratom. I have found kratom to be an amazing natural botanical, that provides many positive benefits.
I strongly disagree that kratom is an addictive substance that can lead "addicts back to heroin, which is cheaper and stronger." Please do not use the experiences of two people to characterize kratom as a whole.
The ‘fact’ is, the story you have portrayed is the exact opposite of the truth. Many people who turn to kratom do so because it is a far better natural alternative than their current addiction.
Next time you write about kratom, please get the other side of the story before you take the experiences of a few to characterize kratom as a whole.
Thank you for your time,
[Phone number]
How to Submit A Letter To The Editor
Letters should be 150-175 words, and reference an article from the past seven days
Letters must include the writer's name, address, and phone number
Thank you all for patiently waiting for the next shipment to arrive. It has taken longer than expected, but we hope for it's arrival in the coming days!
All natural kratom grows wild in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Kratom grows in a variety of strains, often identified by it's color, region of origin, and potency.
What is kratom?
Kratom is an all natural botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet. Learn more about kratom here!
Kratom Strains
All natural kratom is often described by its color, and region of origin. For example, red vein borneo is a red strain grown on the island of Borneo. Whereas red vein bali is a red strain originating from the Bali region of Indonesia. Most all natural kratom will fall into one of the following color categories;
Kratom strains are then usually identified by the place the leaf was grown, or the origin of the trees that produced the particular leaves. Generally speaking kratom leaves come from one of the following areas;
Finally, kratom is identified by it potency. All natural kratom with the most potent aroma is called maeng da. Maeng da can be from red, green, or white color leaves. A strain with maeng da in the name is often a very potent aroma with a strong effect. The following strains are maeng da's offered by The Major;
World class Kratom, unique varietals, and same day shipping have earned us nominations for Best Kratom Vendor, facilitated and lobbied for kratom rights, and helped thousands find take control of their wellness. We understand your kratom needs and the sensitive nature of the product - and we are happy to hear your success stories.
Legality Update
Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.