Major Kratom

A Thank You from The Major

Greetings all,

July will be here soon, and Red, White, Blue are already taking over here at Major Kratom! If you are tuned into our monthly newsletter then you are already aware, but for those of you who don’t know, July is customer appreciation month!  I’ve been pondering the best way to thank you all for your support, and to show my gratitude for all you have done to help the kratom cause.  In keeping with our patriotic spirit here in the office, we considered some of the things Americans like best, one of which is instant gratification! That being said, we are happy to announce that starting July 1st we are offering FREE EXPRESS UPGRADES!!!! When you order a 125g bag or more in July pay the base shipping and we will cover the rest to ensure you get your kratom as soon as possible! I hope you are as excited about this as I am!  For Independence Day, I had the team create the Red, White, and Blue Pack -- a 125g bag of Red Vein Borneo, White Horn, and our newest Maeng Da, Buntok. It's a great way to try out our new maeng da, and our new White Horn, plus its a great deal. Thank you again for your support, I greatly appreciate it!




Cheers to many years of all natural wellness,

-The Major


 P.S. The Red, White, and Blue Pack is on sale now at $99.99


Celebrate Independence Day with the Major!

Celebrate the 239th Birthday of America with The Major! Introducing the Red, White, and Blue Pack -- a 125 gram bag of our Red Vein Borneo, White Horn, and Buntok Maeng Da!  The Red, White, and Blue Pack has been carefully selected to provide you with a varietal for the energy you need for all your Independence Day events and festivities, along with a varietal for soothing relief, as well as the perfect blend if you want to clear your head, after a long day! 

The Red, White, and Blue Pack is on sale from now, offered at $99.99, plus shipping (a $35 savings)!  You will receive a 125 gram bag of our new White Horn, a 125 gram bag of our new Maend Da -- Buntok Maeng Da, and a 125 gram bag of our tried and true Red Vein Borneo.  Learn more about kratom, and its all natural wellness benefits

Our new White Horn releases a strong energizing aroma, ideal for providing you with the energy you need for your Independence Day barbecue, and other festivities!  This balanced Mitra is 100% all natural, offering an energetic aroma, great for endurance and energy.  The perfect varietal for your all natural energy needs.   

Buntok Maeng Da, our newest Maeng Da, is the varietal you want if you are trying to clear your head after the long holiday weekend!  Our Buntok Maeng Da is calm, comforting, and tranquil.  Ideal for relaxing in the evening, or ending a long, high energy day.  This Maeng Da is plantation grown in the Buntok region of Indonesia, offering a relaxing aroma for your all natural wellness! Try the Major's new Maeng Da and White Horn

Red Vein Borneo is ideal for soothing relief from the high demand holiday weekend.  The Major’s Red Vein Bornoe is harvested from the Kratom forests on the island of Borneo.  These forests are known for their mature trees that yield older leaves with a stronger alkaloid profile than younger leaves, which results in a much stronger aroma!  Before processing, the stems are removed, leaving the outer veins and leaf intact, along with their higher concentrations of 7-hydroxymitragyine -- the active alkaloid in kratom.  Our Red Vein Borneo is 100% all natural, offering a relaxing aroma. 

The Major's Red, White, and Blue Pack is available here for $99.99

Is Kratom Safe?

Is kratom safe?

Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, is a naturally growing plant.  It grows in Southeast Asia, where kratom has been a safe aspect of all natural wellness for many centuries.

Is kratom safe?

Kratom, in moderation, is, and not combined with any other substance is safe.  Be aware that drowsiness may occur, you could fall asleep during a time requiring you to be awake.  Drowsiness can occur with larger amounts of kratom. As with any substance that may alter your cognitive ability, you should not operate a vehicle or machinery.

Kratom is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.  However, kratom has been a part of Southeast Asian culture for thousands of years. Kratom is without a doubt safer than the alternative - overprescribed medication making its way to the streets, leading to disastrous consequences on our society.  The Major’s kratom is 100% all natural ground kratom leaves. Our leaves are carefully selected, hand picked, dried, then ground into a powder.   

What is Kratom? (Mitragyna Speciosa)

Mitragyna Speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is an all-natural-botanical (a plant) native to Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee plant, the Rubiaceae family. Just like coffee, it is a seed-producing flowering bush or tree. Typically, Kratom trees grow in clusters, and can reach heights of over thirty feet. what is kratom

What is kratom?

The kratom leaf is often green, growing to a length of 7 inches. Older trees produce more mature leaves, with a more potent aroma, and effect. These fragrant leaves often smell like sweet fresh cut alfalfa.
Kratom was first documented by Pieter Korthals, a Dutch colonial botanist (1) in the early 1800s.  However, the kratom leaf has been a staple in Southeast Asian herbal medicine, dating back to before documented medical records.  
Kratom has been used for thousands of years as an all natural, herbal remedy for various conditions, including anxiety, migraines, arthritis, back pain, coping with withdrawal symptoms,

what is kratom? diarrhea, and as an alternative to prescription pain medication, among many other uses.  Kratom is ideal for all natural wellness. 

Traditionally in Southeast Asia, kratom leaves are chewed, or ground into a powder to make a tea. However, the Food and Drug Administration states there is no legitimate medical use for kratom in the United States (2).  Despite the lack of FDA and government support, kratom is on the rise in the U.S, following the growing trend in America to seek all natural alternatives. This increase in consciousness has resulted in an increased awareness of kratom.

The Major’s kratom is 100% all natural, harvested by hand, dried, and then ground into a powder.  There are no additives whatsoever, and all our our kratom is packed in a safe facility.  Kratom has been, and will continue to be a part of your all natural wellness!    

 View our Selection of Premium All Natural Kratom!


  • (1) TestCountry.Com 
  • (2)  

Written by The Major — June 22, 2015

January Bonus Tins

We've been giving free bonus tins for a while now, and it has proven to be a great way to try a new-to-you varietal without committing to a larger quantity. 

The excitement over the Winter Testers' Club has inspired us to come up with a way to share some of the fun with everyone: during the month of January, we will have two specialty varietals for Bonus tins: Brown Borneo and Red Malay.

These varietals are brand new to The Major, and they are pretty rare. We've heard bits and pieces about each varietal, but not enough to put together a description. That is why we turn to you: we need your help to construct accurate personality profiles.

Although you will not be receiving a discount in exchange for your feedback, like the 30%-off discount attached to the Winter Testers' Club, we need your feedback none-the-less!

When you order a 125g bag or more, you will receive one of these varietals as your Bonus tin. If you would prefer to try a specific one of these, please leave us a comment on your online order form.

Below are some characteristic points we are curious about25g Tin of Brown Borneo:




- Pain Management Ability

- Energy Level: energizing or relaxing

- Onset

- Sart/Finish Characteristics 

- Clarity


We'd love to hear what you have to say! Please leave your feedback in a comment on this blog post; if you'd prefer to tell us directly please send us an email at 

Any feedback you can provide would help us along in gaining a better understanding of each varietal's personality.

So… What do you think?

The Best Way to Measure Kratom - Adjustable Measuring Spoon

Occasionally we see products that make our lives easier. The pocket scale (on sale this August) allows someone to measure out each varietal precisely to help keep track of inventory. Another great tool is this adjustable measuring spoon, which easily adjusts to measure out all of your favorite varietals in the quantity you prefer -- plus, it is just plain clever.

Stay tuned for a review. Leave a comment on Facebook here or in the comments below, and let us know what you think! Would this make your life easier?


Best method to measure kratom

Ohio News Media Assaults Kratom



I personally posted this note on their YouTube comments. We encourage that you post similar.

With media grabbing for a sensationalist piece, people who've been prescribed pain killers no no end date by their doctors have made positive change for themselves by taking kratom supplements. Kratom is self-regulating, and much like coffee, too much is not pleasant. As far as risks, people in South East Asia have been chewing kratom leaves for thousands of years, with no adverse effects. If you think these people are any different than the white people in US you are wrong. Plus it is opiate based painkillers that are fostering a rampant spike in heroin use in the US. Synthetic opiate treatment for opiate addiction rarely works, and you don't need a trip through the rock and roll hall of fame or a personal relationship with Philip Seymour Hoffman to know that a benign solution to opiate addiction would be a blessing in any society.

Ed's Remedies Reviews Kratom

Ed's Remedies reviews benefits of Kratom. Ed's been purchasing Kratom from Major Kratom for a few months. He's found our products to be very helpful for his arthritis and to fend off migraines. See his review here.

Changes to Shipping Confirmation May Keep Emails out of Spam

Have you had your tracking emails from the Major end up in your Spam folder? If so, we may have fixed the problem. Email programs filter messages containing "USPS" to the Spam folder. Probably something about sending money to princes under siege in distant lands. Anyway, we've taken the USPS out of the confirmation email, but the link to your tracking info on USPS remains. We hope this will fix it.

Senator Kruse Stands Up to the Indiana Ban - You can help!

Two years ago, the state of Indiana banned the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, by adding them to the synthetic drug bill 1196. These alkaloids among many others are found in Kratom, and their presence on the bill leaves plain leaf Kratom in a grey area as it naturally contains these alkaloids. The way the bill is written, it would seem that the Indiana government is only concerned with synthetic 7-HM, but we each should do our part to make sure that 7-HM is removed from the list and natural ground Kratom leaf, like what we sell here at Major Kratom, is out of the grey area.

Senator Dennis Kruse is a good man to have taken this matter so seriously and stood up for what is really a much bigger issue in healthcare. Please write him and show your support and gratitude. This is imperative for the future of this plant. If you only take one action to help with keeping kratom legal, do this! 

Link to the bill:

Senator Kruse's email:

Welcome To Major Kratom

World class Kratom, unique varietals, and same day shipping have earned us nominations for Best Kratom Vendor, facilitated and lobbied for kratom rights, and helped thousands find take control of their wellness. We understand your kratom needs and the sensitive nature of the product - and we are happy to hear your success stories.

Legality Update

Congress includes funding for kratom research in Appropriations Bill. Learn more here.

USPS Priority Mail Express Shipping available.

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